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What is a NLP Practitioner and what techniques does he use

What is an NLP Practitioner? NLP is the practice of Neurolinguistic Programming and an NLP Practitioner is a Neurolinguist. This includes a collection of communication methods and techniques for changing processes within the human psyche. Although this branch of psychology is defamed by academic circles as a pseudoscience, the occupation with the inner perception of …

Water stones – the magic, the belief, types and application

The magic of water stones Water stones, they should have a calming effect and are said to have healing powers. They unfold their magic as soon as they come into contact with the wet water. A mixture of firm faith and mysticism sets in, because their effect has not yet been scientifically proven. Nevertheless, the …

Tips after dental surgery This is what you need to know!

Tips after dental surgery The dental surgery has gone well and you are allowed to go home. The dentist decides whether and when a patient can again actively participate in traffic or operate machines after a dental operation. Depending on the type of anesthesia, the medication used, and the duration and severity of the procedure, …

Therapy cuffs – used for muscle and neck pain

Therapy cuffs for neck and muscle pain Therapy cuffs can be used when neck pain and back problems interfere with sleep and also lead to restrictions in everyday life. In most cases, such complaints are caused by muscular tension. The torso and neck muscles are subjected to non-physiological stress, especially due to incorrect posture during …

Studies on the effectiveness of homeopathy.

Studies on the efficacy of homeopathy Homeopathy is repeatedly in the crossfire of criticism among scientists. And yet many patients are convinced of the efficacy of homeopathy and homeopathic remedies. It has been about 200 years since German physician Samuel Hahnemann pioneered alternative medicine with the principle „similia similibus curentur“ (similar things should be cured …

How to straighten malocclusions

How can malocclusions be straightened? Many people do not dare to smile heartily. Misaligned teeth and crooked teeth promote a smile with a closed mouth. Self-confidence drops and the freedom to smile evaporates. Often other people envy their beautiful smile.

How low-carb, high-fat diets can protect against Alzheimer’s disease

The Alzheimer Compass More and more people are reaching old age. And more and more elderly people are developing Alzheimer’s disease – a disease that, despite intensive medical research, has not lost its terror and is considered incurable. Drugs that were supposed to fix the supposed cause by breaking down amyloid plaques in the brain …

Yoga by the sea – What makes it an unforgettable experience?

Yoga by the sea – more than just a vacation The vacation season is in most cases the most beautiful time of the year. Therefore, you should enjoy this time as much as possible, z.B. with relaxing yoga by the sea. The vacation should be used above all also for it, in order to divert …

Schuessler salts – interesting facts and facts about the popular salts

Things to know about Schüssler salts The idea of Schüssler salts is based on the knowledge that many diseases are due to an imbalance of the human mineral balance. If mineral salts are taken up in concentrated form, they often do not find the way into the appropriate cells. Therefore took over Dr. Schüssler once …

Roemheld syndrome – Experiences of Roemheld patients

Roemheld syndrome experiences This disease was named after its discoverer Dr. Ludwig von Roemheld and describes a variety of complaints under the term Roemheld syndrome. These affect the chest and heart area, but originate in the gastrointestinal tract. By accumulating a lot of air in the abdomen, the diaphragm is compressed and presses on the …