Veneers – Veneer once, please
Discoloration of the teeth, gaps or broken corners? Ceramic veneers can compensate for these defects.
Veneer is the English word for “to cover” or “to conceal”. In dentistry, a veneer is a wafer-thin veneer made of ceramic, which the dental technician produces in the dental laboratory. The dentist sticks the veneer on the visible surfaces of the front teeth. When teeth are defective, veneers can restore the perfect set of teeth for a radiant smile.
Veneers – Long-term, durable restoration
Beyond purely cosmetic reasons, veneers have numerous medical applications. They are used frequently:
– in case of internal discoloration of teeth,
– in case of tooth enamel malformations,
– for large visible fillings,
– for accidentally damaged teeth,
– to close gaps,
– to improve the shape of the teeth,
– to compensate for small tooth position errors.
Dental studies show that veneers are a long-term, durable restoration. The veneer is attached using the adhesive technique. Since the dentist glues the veneer, which is about 0.5 mm thin, onto the tooth, he has to remove significantly less healthy tooth substance than with a crown.
©proDente e.V.
Plus points ceramics
“Veneers made of ceramic are an invisible “mask” for the tooth that is also gentle on tooth substance,” clarifies master dental technician Thomas Lüttke from Berlin, a board member of the Association of German Dental Technicians Guilds (VDZI). “Due to the translucency of the ceramic and the exact adaptation to tooth color and shape, the veneers are indistinguishable from the natural tooth.”
The hardness and abrasion resistance of ceramics are very close to the properties of natural teeth. In addition, all-ceramic dental prostheses are characterized by very good tolerability. Allergies or interactions with other materials are not known to date.
Initiative proDente e.V. – Facts
Five associations representing the entire dental service spectrum in Germany are involved in the initiative proDente e.V.:
– The German Dental Association (BZÄK),
– The Free Association of German Dentists (FVDZ),
– The Association of German Dental Technicians Guilds (VDZI),
– The Association of the German Dental Industry (VDDI),
and the Federal Association of Dental Trade (BVD).
Why this initiative?
proDente has set itself the goal of imparting sound specialist knowledge in the fields of dentistry and dental technology. The initiative aims to provide dedicated patient education to support dentists and dental technicians.
proDente wants to show the value of healthy and beautiful teeth. Above all, the focus is on education from prophylaxis to prosthetics. For dentists and dental technicians, proDente presents an extensive range of services to facilitate communication with patients.
proDente produces scientifically based information material in an easy-to-understand format. This includes the information brochure “Teeth good – everything good” as well as numerous other magazines, flyers and leaflets on special areas of dentistry. The range of topics is regularly expanded. On the Internet, proDente is present with an information portal (
Dirk Kropp, Managing Director Public Relations, is the contact person for all questions regarding proDente’s public relations activities. The office is located in Cologne.