Healing power of the tea from the realm of the primeval plants
Dive now and discover not only German, but also European, Asian and South American plants and their production as tea.
You will find a fabulous treasure of well over 500 different plants such as trees, shrubs, weeds and even flowers.
For many millennia, nature has provided us with all its wonderful plants.
Recognize, collect and utilize plants
Learn to recognize these plants, collect them, dry them and utilize them. This guide includes a quick search of the disease symptoms and the corresponding plant that helps to cure them.
Tea as a natural remedy
So they exist, the natural remedies. Help yourself consciously and naturally, return to nature and enjoy your delicious drink.
Discover the tea book with many plants and pictures
Discover in this tea book also a quick search of the disease patterns and the associated to the healing plant.
You can expect in this tea book more than 500 different plants, more than 1000 wonderful plant pictures, photos and drawings, where each plant has been assigned a drawing and a color photo.
With intention I have described in this tea book no plant mixtures. There are very many beautiful herbal books or also healing tea books, which describe wonderful tea mixtures. I wanted to achieve that each plant is seen individually for itself and that each also has a task for itself.
And now enjoy discovering the many ways to enjoy a healing tea.
Healing tea from the kingdom of primal plants
Format A 4 – 276 pages with over 1000 photos/drawings in color and black and white
Price: 18,90 EUR
ISBN: 978-3-00-038001-3
Order at Ayons-Welt.